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Facilities Services

MTSU Motor Pool Auto Accident Reporting Instructions:

  1. Do not leave the scene of the accident.
  2. Call emergency services (911) or police non-emergency services as needed.
  3. Document damage from accident including pictures if possible.
  4. Report the accident to your supervisor immediately and notify Motor Pool Services as soon as possible. (615) 898-2415
  5. Return police report information, damage documentation, and any other applicable information to Motor Pool Services.

*Note: If accident also involves a non-university vehicle, you must follow all the State of Tennessee Auto Accident Reporting Instructions including immediately calling the Accident Reporting Call Center at (855) 253-0629.

Work Orders

To submit a general maintenance, custodial, athletic facilities, and plant request:

Middle Tennessee State University
Work Orders
Work Orders Website

Facilities Services

Middle Tennessee State University
Facilities Services
PO Box 32
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-2414

We welcome your comments and questions. You may contact MTSU Facilities Services by calling our office, visiting our offices in Holmes Building, or emailing us!