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Facilities Services

Work Orders

The work orders office processes and coordinates all work requests for the campus. We strive to ensure that all buildings and structures are properly maintained to meet fire, safety, health and other required codes and regulations. This includes providing climate controlled, clean, properly supplied facilities, so that faculty, staff and students have comfortable surroundings in which to live, work, and receive training and education. We also serve as a communication link and liaison between Facilities Services employees and the campus community.

Work Orders maintains computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to track and maintain a complete history and cost accrual of all activities related to the upkeep and maintenance of the MTSU campus.

Manager: Katie Cullen | 615-494-8749 |


Any condition which left unattended may cause bodily injury or property damage; unbearable environmental conditions in any occupied area; loss of electrical, heating/cooling or water/sewage service to a building or a major portion of a building; loss of essential services or equipment in housing unit areas. Always call about the following:

Roof Leaks
ADA Access

Between 8:00AM – 4:30PM M-F:

Call (615) 898-2308

After listed hours, during inclement weather, or during a scheduled university closing:

Call (615) 898-2434


Any work request that is not considered an Emergency.

General Maintenance
Custodial Services
Athletic Facilities, Alumni Memorial Gym, Murphy Center
Plant Requests
Exterior Lighting

To check on the status of a work request greater than two weeks old or to repeat a work request:

Status Report Request

Labor Rates for Estimating

Definitions of priority choices

Emergency – Any condition which left unattended may cause bodily injury or property damage; unbearable environmental conditions in any occupied area; loss of electrical, heating/cooling or water/sewage service to a building or a major portion of a building; loss of essential services or equipment in housing unit areas. Please call the numbers listed at the top of this page for an emergency.

Urgent/Breakdown – Repair required within two working days to provide essential services, prevent excessive property damage, correct unsafe conditions and cover emergency conditions which are not severe enough to be classified as immediate emergency work requests.

Priority – Same as urgent/breakdown except repair required within three working days.

Routine – All other requests are classified as routine and will be completed as soon as scheduling constraints and availability of resources will allow.

Other types of requests

SP-1 Special Project Request

Form 1 (Alterations, Modifications, Construction) is to request an estimate for Special Projects which includes anything that is a change or addition to an existing space, i.e. renovation, finishes, new furniture, etc.

MP-R Maintenance Project Request

MP-R To facilitate implementation of major maintenance projects involving FSD (i.e., major building systems repairs or replacements, installation of new equipment, building modifications, etc.), completion of this form is required prior to planning and developing your project. Completion of this form will provide information to prepare the maintenance project form (MP-2) that includes the technical scope of the project, the budget requirements, and timelines.


To request a work order for Housing, click the link above to contact the front desk of your individual building.


To obtain specifications for equipment for a master classroom, please contact ITD at (615) 898-2512. 
If you are having difficulty with the technology in a master classroom, please report the condition to the ITD Service Desk on the web or call (615) 898-5345.

Work Orders

To submit a general maintenance, custodial, athletic facilities, and plant request:

Middle Tennessee State University
Work Orders
Work Orders Website

Facilities Services

Middle Tennessee State University
Facilities Services
PO Box 32
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-2414

We welcome your comments and questions. You may contact MTSU Facilities Services by calling our office, visiting our offices in Holmes Building, or emailing us!