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Facilities Services



Reference MTSU Policy: 687 Motor Pool Services

I. Motor Pool Services Request Procedures

    1. Call the Motor Pool Services office at 898-2415 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. M-F to check availability of a Motor Pool vehicle.
    2. Print a “Motor Pool Vehicle Request Form” from the Motor Pool website Complete and mail to Box 32 or fax to 898-5071 with required signatures.
    3. Motor Pool Travel Request Forms are not accepted more than two (2) years in advance.
    4. If a vehicle has been assigned and changes in travel plans occur (destination time, date of departure or return, or number of people to be transported) prior to departure, notify Motor Pool Services and the departmental office that made the reservation.
    5. No department shall reserve more than three (3) vehicles for any day without permission from Motor Pool Services.
    6. No vehicle checked out for local use may be kept for more than four (4) days without prior approval by Motor Pool Services.

    II. Cancellations

      1. If for any reason the decision is made to cancel a trip, Motor Pool Services should be notified at that time.
      2. Requests must be received at least one hour prior to desired departure time. All vehicles will be assigned and none are held in reserve for last minute requests.
      3. Once a vehicle is assigned for use for a specific trip, and that vehicle is found to be inoperative or unsafe and if no unscheduled vehicle is available, then the scheduling department and driver shall be notified and informed of the anticipated time the vehicle can be made ready for the trip. Other assigned vehicles regardless of date of application will not be canceled to make them available as a substitute vehicle. To prevent a late start on the trip, the driver may elect to use personal or other department approved transportation.
      4. A vehicle not picked up two (2) hours beyond the scheduled pick up time shall be considered canceled and available for reassignment. See “Standard Rate Schedule” for charges.

      III. Vehicle Check- Out Procedures

        1. An approved Motor Pool Vehicle Request Form (see Section IV.B.) must be on file in the Motor Pool office for a vehicle to be checked out.
        2. Come to Motor Pool reservations, located in the Holmes Building, at the indicated time on the request form.
        3. Fill in driver’s license number on the checkout form, sign the form, and present a valid MTSU identification card for verification of employee status.  Drivers must have a valid driver’s license and be on the current MTSU payroll before receiving the keys to the vehicle.
        4. Vehicles in the Motor Pool are filled with gas and cleaned after each scheduled trip, but please check gas gauge prior to leaving MTSU.

        IV. Gas and Oil Refill Procedures

          1. University petroleum company credit cards are provided with each vehicle.

          If the same vehicle is reserved for more than one day and the vehicle is parked overnight at Motor Pool, it is the responsibility of the driver to secure gas at MTSU fuel pumps if necessary for the next day. Second day reserved vehicles sitting in the Motor Pool area are not automatically filled up with gas daily.

          B.  Emergency Purchases:

          Emergency cash or personal credit purchases for gas, oil, or repairs for Motor Pool vehicles paid for by the driver of the vehicle while in-state or out-of-state must be explained on the form “Explanation of In-State Purchases of Gasoline, Oil and Repairs” with receipt of purchase(s) attached and forwarded to the Motor Pool Services for either approval or disapproval of the requested reimbursement.

          Approved emergency purchases should not be included on a Travel Expense Claim Form. Reimbursement will be directly from a Motor Pool Services expense account.

          V. Vehicle Check-In Procedures

          1. When you return, park the vehicle in the Motor Pool Services parking area, lock the car and deposit the keys in the key return box on the building (south side of Bayer-Travis building) near the gas pumps.
          2. Place all trash from the vehicle in the trash can near the auto shop entrance. All trash or debris that may cause the vehicle to have a bad odor should be removed, and the vehicle should be thoroughly cleaned by the user before returning.
          3. All vehicles must be returned to Motor Pool Services at the time indicated on the request form. In case of delayed return, please notify Motor Pool Services at 898-2415. You should assume the vehicle is scheduled to go back out for use soon after you return it or early the next day, Saturdays included.
          4. Vehicles should not be exchanged between persons or departments without the proper check-in and check-out procedures.
          5. Motor Pool Customer Survey forms are available at checkout and on the website This form should be used to notify maintenance of problems with an assigned vehicle that needs repair. Just fold the form and place it in the key holder before dropping the keys in the key return box located on the south side of Bayer-Travis building near the gas pumps.       

          Work Orders

          To submit a general maintenance, custodial, athletic facilities, and plant request:

          Middle Tennessee State University
          Work Orders
          Work Orders Website

          Facilities Services

          Middle Tennessee State University
          Facilities Services
          PO Box 32
          Murfreesboro, TN 37132
          (615) 898-2414

          We welcome your comments and questions. You may contact MTSU Facilities Services by calling our office, visiting our offices in Holmes Building, or emailing us!